a woman with long hair and a black jacket
a woman with long hair and a black jacket

Welcome to Your New Favorite Beauty Blog

Who am I?

Hi, my name is Andie. If you'd like to learn more about me, check out my about page, here.

Why I Started This Blog:

  • Passion for Beauty

Although beauty is a sincere passion of mine and has been for as long as I can remember, I never considered myself someone qualified to give beauty advice. This was mostly because my knowledge came from personal experience and online research that I figured anyone could obtain. However, my perspective changed when I discovered a subreddit called r/AmIUgly. And yes, it's every bit as shallow and brutal as it sounds.

  • Unexpected Inspiration

This community serves as a platform where individuals seek honest feedback regarding their appearance. Sometimes people ask the simple and painful question, "Am I ugly?" while others seek advice on how they can improve their appearance and/or feel more confident.

  • ...Lightbulb

I found myself giving advice to people with confidence. For some reason, it seemed like I had the answers that people were looking for, tucked away in my back pocket [pun intended]. It was then that I realized, maybe I do have a knack for this sort of thing. Because although it is true that anyone could obtain the knowledge I possess, through personal experience and online research, not many people do. Many people don't have the ability to test out as many products as I have, the time to do the research, etc. I know that I am incredibly blessed.

My Vision:

I want to provide you with an honest, while also encouraging and empowering, place to seek advice and guidance for your appearance. Makeup, skincare, and personal style are more than just surface-level enhancements - they're powerful tools for self-love, empowerment, and creativity. Thanks for visiting & I hope you stay a while!